Celebrate Success
This may sound silly, but when I first saw my book on Goodreads, I cried. I’ve always wanted my book on there, and now that has finally happened. After a lot of years of learning and growing, I’m finally an author. How special that?
I sometimes feel that people take achievements for granted. We live in a society that demands perfection, yet people who celebrate their successes are seen as arrogant. Well, it took a lot of hard work and fun (I mean, writing IS my passion), but I did it, and I’M PROUD.
I was so happy with my cover for The Chrono Unit, I had a poster printed and framed it. 🙂 And I’m going to continue celebrating my achievements, because I’m grateful and happy.
Also, for anyone who sometimes has doubts, just look back at how far you’ve come and celebrate that! You deserve it.
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